Energy Efficiency Learning Game


The strategic game "Energopols" is an interactive, educational board game that reveals the connections between daily habits and their impact on recourse consumption. It helps understand how to use energy resources to satisfy daily needs maintain comfort levels and simultaneously have consumption that is both wallet-friendly and environmentally friendly.  

The game was developed upon the order of the  Elektrum Energy Efficiency Center. It is available to the center's visitors and guests as an educational and entertaining activity. 

Description of the game "Energopols"

For each of as there are daily needs for various resources such as water, heat, fresh air, electricity, fuel, light, etc.. Each of as has our own habits in using these resources in our daily lives. Meanwhile our needs combined with habits result on resource consumption. The consumption of any resource has an impact on the environment as well as associated expenses. 

The game "Energopols" educates the players. Players explore connections between daily habits in energy resources consumption, consumption costs and the environment impact. By solving mission tasks players  find the most efficient, financially advantageous and environmentally friendly options  for resources consumption. The game provides answers to practical questions such as:

  • what is the total resource consumption per person per year and for the entire company team?
  • what are the total consumption costs per year for the company?
  • what environmental impact does the team create through consumption per year, incl. CO2 emissions and waste?
  • how to spend less while ensuring daily needs and maintaining the current comfort level?

The game has three difficulty levels. It includes the 5 most essential basic needs for daily office work: transportation, office equipment, water, microclimate (heat, room temperature, air quality, air humidity) and light. Simple daily habits of resource usage are examined such as water consumption in the office washing dishes or preparing drinks, electricity consumption in using office equipment and electronic devices, paper consumption, driving habits and fuel consumption, etc.. The calculation of habit consumption, its costs over the year and assessed  environmental impact are provided. 

The game is suitable for players without prior knowledge of energy efficiency. In an easily understandable way a set of data and calculations in incorporated into the game's Consumption cards. The player's task is to compare the data on the cards and choose the most appropriate option for the completing task. The game is applicable for both training purposes and team-building events. 

The goal of the game

Energopols is an envisioned state where resource consumption, comfort, habits, energy efficiency, expenses, and interaction with environment are balanced, creating an environmentally friendly  and minimally impactful ideal condition.  

The goal of the game is to reach Energopolis, going through three different difficulty levels and completing mission tasks.

Game set

The game set includes:

  • game board
  • 13 Mission cards with tasks of three difficulty levels
  • 38 Consumption cards with data on consumption, costs, and environmental impact
  • 2 tokens
  • game guidelines, rules and correct answers (language Latvian)
  • the presentation for the game instructor


 Players join forces in a team of 2 - 4 (max 6) participants and together solve mission tasks.

Scoring and the end of the game

For each correct answer the team earns a specific number of points in efficiency and environmental friendliness. The game is completed by fulfilling mission tasks and reaching Energopolis.

©AryGames Latvia 2021

Development Team of the Game "Energopols"

The game is developed by AryGames team in collaboration with specialists from Elektrum Energy Efficiency Center: 

  • the data and calculations are provided by specialists from  Energy Efficiency Center
  • the game's author, development and mechanics  - Krista Grike, AryGames
  • design and graphics - Una Spektore, AryGames
  • editor - Ruta Lapsa, AryGames

The game is developed to visually and thematically align with the  Elektrum Energy Efficiency Center. The design of the game incorporates element of the Elektrum corporate identity. Meanwhile, the content is 100% related to the core activities of the  Energy Efficiency Center.

The game "Energopols" was first published in 2021. 


The Elektrum Energy Efficiency Center (Latvia) invites you to responsible and environmentally friendly everyday energy resource consumption. The game is available for to visitors of the Elektrum Energy Efficiency center. The team of Energy Efficiency center is convinced that with our actions and daily habits, it is possible to reduce expenses for energy resources and also protect and use our shared environmental resources sensibly.

Since 1997 the Energy Efficiency Center taking care customer education in energy efficiency to use  electricity, water, and heat more wisely and effectively. 

The energy efficiency learning game "Energopols" is developed based on an individual order from Energy Efficiency Center and is  100% custom -  made. All rights to the game "Energopols" belong to  Energy Efficiency Center.