Business Training game for employee adaptation Corporate Culture and Ethics Daily

Business Learning Game

Corporate Culture and ethics daily

The business learning game "Corporate Culture and Ethics Daily" is an interactive and structured activity for employee trainings to develop problem-solving and decision making skills, as well as ability to act in accordance with workplace requirements. 

The game is designed to provide benefits to both employees and employers through learning.  In the context of this learning game, corporate culture and ethics are used as unifying elements that help to achieve strategic goals.

Through the game, employees' knowledge and understanding of existing principles, internal norms, rules, and concepts are also reinforced, allowing them to confidently navigate specific daily work situations and make appropriate decisions accordingly.


The business learning game "Corporate Culture and Ethics Daily" is based on a systemic approach - simultaneously addressing various interrelated needs. Its goal and tasks are:

  • to strengthen knowledge and understanding of corporate governance principles,  including sustainability principles, in daily work performance at all positions and levels;
  • to develop and enhance  employee skills and competencies such as sustainable thinking, values-based decision-making, collaboration and communication skills, empathy and emotional intelligence, and teamwork for achieving common goals;
  • to foster the empowerment of the team for a shared understanding and embodiment of corporate principles;
  • to enhance  a sense of belonging to the workplace, increase motivation, encourage a desire to engage, and apply acquired knowledge in practice.

The learning game has multifunctional applications. The most popular use cases include:

  • onboarding trainings;
  • implementation of sustainability principles within the company;
  • strengthening communication, collaboration, and team cohesion;
  • reorganization,  introduction of new governance principles (including changes in ownership or top-level management), or crisis situations;
  • embodying corporate values, culture and mindset.

Content and Methodology

The content and methodology of the game are designed to ensure that internal procedures, norms, instructions, policies, codes, and other regulatory actions are not only viable and operational on paper but also in reality at all levels of the organization.  The content is 100% tailored to the existing principles of the specific organization.

The game has an educational nature. It combines a wide range of topics and themes with teaching methods for skills, abilities, and competencies training. Through simulation, situation analysis, modeling, and discussion methods, players gain practical experience in a short period of time, which is comparable to gaining long-term experience and studying extensive documentation.

The content of the business learning game can consist of more than 40 different topics. The list of the most popular and in-demand topics includes:

  • Dress code: work attire, uniform, casual clothing;
  • Compensation, material and non-material motivation, bonuses, allowances, benefits, sickness benefits;
  • Safety: occupational safety, health, psychological safety, road/ traffic safety (company transport);
  • Work hours and schedule, overtime, extra work, vacations, holidays, unpaid leave, moonlighting, sick leave;
  • Abuse of power, official status;
  • Discrimination, diversity, equality, human rights;
  • Hierarchy, job competency, responsibility, decision-making;
  • Procurement and public procurement;
  • Development of instructions: relevance and implementation in daily life;
  • Environment: nature conservation, climate change, pollution, risks;

  • Conflict of interest, hiring, recruitment, and public competition, nepotism;
  • Intellectual property, authorship, copyright, appropriation of others' work and presenting it as one's own (plagiarism), copying, references;
  • Protection and leakage of confidential and sensitive information, data security;
  • Corruption risks, anti-corruption measures, bribery;
  • Fraud, theft, intentional harm;
  • Unfair commercial practices, violation of competition law;
  • Reputation threats/ risks, corporate image;
  • Public health hazard;
  • Sanctions and anti money laundering (AML);
  • Toxic work environment: intrigues, rumors, jealousy, spitefulness, lies, defamation.

Learning Goals and Outcomes

The mechanics of the learning game are designed to reinforce employees' knowledge in accordance with workplace principles and regulations, to develop an understanding of "why specific principles and regulations are essential".  Also  to enhance the ability to assess specific situations, make decisions, and act in accordance with specified requirements. Alongside, important skills and competencies are developed such as:

  • Systemic thinking, understanding of cause and effect relationships;
  • Sustainable thinking;
  • Collaboration  oriented team thinking, understanding of thinking differences "I - the main person," "I - part of the team," and "we together as a team";
  • Ability  to listen to and hear other opinions;
  • Development of  individual ability to express one's opinion, argumentation based on facts and data;
  • Awareness of roles, actions, and responsibilities in daily team work;
  • Empathy, ability to empathize with situations, listen to and hear colleagues, solve situations based on substance;
  • Decision-making skills based on corporate values.

As a result of the learning, both individual and team performance are improved.

Learning by playing

Learning through game play is a structured and interactive training process in which all participants are equally engaged and involved.  The fundamental principle  is learning by doing, practicing. The fact is that learning through game play ensures over 75% higher results compared to reading instructions, attending lectures, or watching video presentations.  While participants may feel emotionally at ease or even slightly entertained during the training, learning through game play fundamentally requires effort and imposes a  intellectual load. In a short period of time, each participant must perceive, understand, react, concentrate, engage, etc.

The game includes tasks of varying levels of complexity, ranging from simple to intricate and complicated. According to the learning needs, it is possible to combine different tasks and topics within one session.

The training session for the business game "Corporate Culture and Ethics" takes place under the guidance and supervision of the trainer. Also known as the learning game leader or instructor.  By choice, session can be led  by one or two leaders.  Leading the game is akin to traditional corporate training but differs in methodological approach.  With the game license, learning game leader training is provided for free.

Trainings with play in action

Participants tackle various situations, analyze the causes and consequences of the case, model potential development scenarios, and make decisions about the most appropriate course of action in the specific situation. 

Learning Game Leader guides participants step by step through the course of the game: explains the rules and tasks, leads discussions, answers questions, and explains the correct answers. Also, maintains an open, positive, and motivating atmosphere within the group.

Learning Game Set

The business learning game "Corporative Culture and Ethics Daily" is designed on a modular principle (similarly to Lego or IKEA furniture). The set consist of the base game and additional expansions can be added as needed.

Base Game Set

  • Large game board for up to 8 players or 8 small game boards, by choice
  • 30 printed case cards +  for digital use
  • 2  developed learning session programs, including presentations (by choice and according to needs);
  • 8 game pieces - meeples;
  • Game rules and guidelines;
  • Packaging box;
  • Game license.

Base Game Set developed in one language (choice of Latvian or English).

+ Bonus 

  • Free-of-charge game leader training (6 - 12 hours, depending on the trainer's previous experience) ;
  • One demo gameplay session for training purposes (for instructors).


Expansion packs can be added to the basic game set over time, as new needs arise. We offer the following expansions:

  • Additional case cards - 1 set of 20 cards;
  • Scoring algorithm and correct answers with explanations + additional methodological materials and instructor training ( 3 - 6 hours);
  • Additional learning session programs (including presentations).

Additional services

  • Development of the basic set and expansions (translation) in multiple languages;
  • Digital version of the game for remote learning, tailored to the company's technological capabilities.

Game Development Team

The game was developed by AryGames in collaboration with content consultants:

  • Game author, development, and mechanics - Krista Griķe, Lead Game Author at AryGames;
  • Design and graphics - Graphic designers at AryGames;
  • Proofreading, translation and editing - Language editors at AryGames;
  • Content consultant on anti-corruption and transparency issues - Inese Tauriņa, Director of the organization "Society for Transparency - Delna," Head of the Anti-Corruption Alliance in Latvia;
  • Content consultant on corporate social responsibility and sustainability issues - Agnese Alksne-Bensone, Chair of the Board of the association "Latvian Corporate Social Responsibility Platform," Member of the Board of  "Sustainability Partners", Ltd.;

The business learning game "Corporate Culture and Ethics" was first published in 2019. All rights to the game "Corporate Culture and Ethics" are owned by "Ary", Ltd. 

Business Learning Game "Corporate Culture and Ethics Daily" author Krista Grike

About the Game Author

The author of the game is Krista Grike, a leading game mechanic developer at AryGames. With over 20 years of professional experience, she has worked in both management teams and conducted academic and scientific work at Riga Technical University.  She has been dedicated to game mechanics, methods and the gamification approach, focusing on their development and integration to enhance the efficiency of various processes and workflows, incl. learning, science 2008. Krista's portfolio is comprises of more than 30 game mechanics. She specializes in the application and combination of a wide rage of methods. 

Krista is characterized by immense creativity combined with a systemic, cause and effect based thinking approach, perseverance, a love for work and a desire to create a positive experience and emotions for people. 

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Licenses and Learning Game Leaders Training

For legal entities, licenses are issued for game usage. Meanwhile, for individuals acting as game leaders, training is provided, and a certificate is awarded.


For Companies, Organizations, and Institutions

Companies, organizations, and institutions receive a perpetual license for game usage alongside the game set for internal training purposes.

For Educational Institutions

Educational institutions registered in the educational institutions register receive a term license for 3 years, along with the game set, for using the business learning game within study/educational programs. The license can be renewed upon its expiration.

Game leaders train the trainer program

For Companies, Organizations, Institutions, and Educational Institutions

Training sessions are provided for successful facilitation of the business learning game "Corporate Culture and Ethics Daily." Upon completion of the training, a perpetual certificate is issued, confirming the completion of the training program and the right to lead the game.

Up to 4 game leader training sessions are provided free of charge to companies, institutions, and organizations upon obtaining the license.

Up to 2 game leader training sessions are provided free of charge to educational institutions upon obtaining the license.

Additional game leader training sessions are available according to the current price list.

Prices and Ordering

The game is custom-made with a personalized approach upon individual order. The production of the game takes 4 to 8 months from the time of ordering, depending on the specifications.

The price for each order is determined separately, based on the type of license, configuration, selected materials, and current market prices of raw materials. Contact us, and we will prepare the most suitable offer tailored to your needs.

Contact us by writing to the email address [email protected]. or  clicking the "Contact Us"  button and filling out the electronic application form.

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