for learning, growth and development

Knowledge  -  Understanding  -  Skills  -  Abilities -  Competencies

 We develop products that make the learning process meaningful, interesting, engaging, and exciting for the user simultaneously. The user feels involved and motivated to take action, do more, and reach the next level. Acquiring knowledge, building and reinforcing understanding, and developing abilities, skills, and competencies become an enjoyable adventure, creating a positive user experience.

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business learning games

Business learning games are goal - oriented educational activities aimed at acquiring practically applicable knowledge and developing skills and competencies for daily work. These games are designed to achieve  specific learning objectives and deliver the necessary results.  They are versatile, combining knowledge acquisition, understanding reinforcement, and skill and competency development.

Business learning games are suitable for adult audiences  in training sessions, corporate workshops, seminars, internal employee training, workshops, masterclasses, and other educational events.

Business Learning Game "Corporate Culture and Ethics Daily" author Krista Grike board game

Business Learning Game


The business learning game "Corporate Culture and Ethics Daily" is a multifunctional, educational method for personnel growth, development and trainings. The corporate culture is used as a tool  to foster team empowerment with the aim to  embedding unified corporate principles into daily work. 

Business Learning game Metro game author Krista Grike board game

Business Learning Game


The business learning game "Metro" is a  educational business processes simulation board game for personnel trainings, growth and development .  

Learning Game  board game Energopols

 Learning Game


The energy efficiency learning game "Energopols" is an educational strategic board game about daily habits at the workplace, various resource consumption, consumption costs, an the environmental impact of consumption. The game is applicable for engaging employees in office sustainability and energy efficiency.

for sustainable thinking and decision making skills development


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